Managing epilepsy

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  Epilepsy is a heterogeneous and serious brain disorder with multifactorial origins and manifestations. It comprises many seizure types and epilepsy syndromes. Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder after stroke and a major burden for public health systems. In developed countries, the prevalence is around 700 per 100,000; and annual incidence of epilepsy is nearly 50 per 100,000 populations. After correct diagnosis and classification of seizures, nonetheless, 70-80% of patients with newly-onset epilepsy achieve complete seizure control with current antiepileptic drugs.
  The recent definitions of epilepsy and classification of epileptic seizures announced by International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) will be introduced.
  This speech will also highlight first two of the following approaches that are clinically important for a better diagnosis and treatment of acute seizures.
1. Is this event an epileptic seizure?
2. How to classify the seizure(s)? (What is the seizure type(s)?)
3. Is there any underlying cause(s) for the seizure(s)?
4. When and how to treat the seizure(s)?
A short video presentation of typical seizure(s) will be given (if time permitted).