Ocular Manifestations and Treatments of Eye diseases related to Systemic Disrders

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Sarcoidosis in Taiwan

  Background/aims: Uveitis can be infectious or non-infectious, and can also be either a local eye disease or a manifestation of systemic rheumatologic disorders. The clinical presentation of different uveitic diseases, can be similar, which makes the diagnosis and treatment a challenge. We investigate the clinical features and complications of different sarcoidosis uveitis diseases in the Chinese population in Taiwan.
  Methods: A retrospective review was performed for all patients who had been diagnosed with sarcoidosis uveitis in the national insurance database in Taiwan.
Results: To be presented
  Conclusion: The disease course and clinical manifestations of rheumatic disease-related uveitis were different from those unrelated. Patients with rheumatic disease-related uveitis had a higher recurrent rate and the more frequent posterior synechiae than patients without rheumatic diseases. Besides, some specific infectious disease, especially viral, can be seen in Taiwan