Diagnostic tests management

程 序 表

Laboratory diagnostic management – update
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

   由於台灣全民健康保險制度之下所有的臨床醫療之措施都受到很大的掣肘,不只是一般臨床的工作人員而已尤其臨床醫師更甚。在這種全民健保制度之下醫師往往看病擔心是否會被健保剔退,而忽略了該給病患做何種檢查,在此進退兩難之心態下往往就不了了之,那怕申請了檢查項目也是選擇最便宜的,而且常常不是病人所需要的項目,若選對了項目也不知道如何判讀結果,即使?致病人嚴重的臨床後果,很少會追究臨床醫師選錯檢查項目的責任。由於最近實驗室檢查之進步及複雜性使得在電腦銀幕上之檢查項目目不暇給,即使本科的年輕醫師也不是很了解,更何況別科的醫師更不清楚而且臨床病理醫師並沒有主動地提供專業的質詢及病人特異性(patient specific)的檢查評估。
  由於以上的窘境就發展出最新的實驗室診斷處理團隊(The diagnostic management teams) 簡稱為DMT,來提供臨床醫師如何判讀,解釋篩檢檢查陽性項目及如何以實驗室檢查之結果來解釋臨床之表徵。
  DMT會處理專家之建議及病人特異性(patient specific)之描述付諸行動,不只是個案的病例而是所有實驗室檢查之項目。這種團隊的成員是包括臨床醫師、臨床病理醫師、醫檢師、資訊室人員做定期聚會討論,來提供非專科的一般醫師有效之資訊。
  Under the umbrella of the global insurance coverage in Taiwan, the flexibility of providing the medical service to the patients by caregiver in general are highly limited but for the clinicians in particular. In that mind-set, the physicians may hesitate to request the laboratory tests for the patients. Even they did, some time they fail to order or incorrectly interpret the test results, even when a terrible clinical outcome happen and it is rarely attributed to the doctor’s mistake involving the laboratory tests. In the recent advance of laboratory medicine, the complexity of clinical laboratory test menu has increased tremendously in number and the clinical pathologists do not routinely provide patient-specific, professional narratives of complex clinical laboratory evaluations.
  The ordering physicians live in a world with thousands of tests, many new and highly expensive, where we put on the same test by multiple different names in different laboratories. For example, there are at least 5 thyroid function test with different abbreviations, and there are at least a dozen tests with the word vitamin D in the moniker displayed to physicians monitor who simply want to understand whether his or her patient is vitamin D deficiency or toxicity. The consequence is that clinician requests unnecessary test and they often fail to order tests item appropriately.
  The diagnostic management teams (DMT) allows physicians to order tests by requesting an evaluation of the abnormal screening test or a clinical sign or symptom. The DMT produces an expert-driven, patient-specific narrative not only for cases in which one is requested, but for all cases in multiple areas of laboratory medicine.  The value-added activity calls a DMT considers clinical information and laboratory data, get together on regular basis, includes their diagnostic conclusions in the medical record, and provides information not known to non-expert physicians.  In addition, participation as a leader in the DMT is independent of the degree of the participant. All qualified individuals must be invited to help establish the correct diagnosis.
  In endocrinology, it is currently providing patient-specific information about endocrine-associated hypertension, with plans to provide similar information on a wide variety of endocrine disorders. Information scientists are also linked to the DMT so that anyone on the team can receive update information from someone soon.
  With this in mind, the presentation, for its part, is greatly interested in addressing major issues of importance to the laboratory tests toward the success of clinical care which will contribute to the awareness and appreciation of the clinical pathologists and playing its role in DMT amongst all parties across the disciplines.