
Building Integrated Biomedical Informatics to Support Precision Medicine and Intelligent Health Care
Yang C. Fann, Ph.D.
Director, IT and Bioinformatics Program,
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

 It is well recognized that biomedical informatics is critical to the future data-driven medical discovery and health care!? The “BIG DATA” resulted from current and growing deluge of data from high through-put sequencing, molecular profiling, imaging, phenotyping and diverse clinical research has shifted the bottleneck in translational discovery from data production to data management, computation, and interpretation that leading to new biomedical knowledge. The ability to harvest the wealth of information contained in biomedical Big Data will advance our understanding of human health and disease; however, lack of appropriate informatics infrastructure and tools, poor data accessibility, and insufficient data science training, are major impediments to produce any rapid translational impacts. The speed of data growth and scale of dataset size have gone beyond any current informatics tools can effectively manage and analyze.? In this presentation, we will discuss the strategy and approaches in synergizing various biomedical informatics resources and data repositories including EHR to build new sustainable infrastructures to support newly announced “Precision Medicine” initiatives as well as future intelligent health care.? In addition, the creation of BIG DATA through collaborative biomedical informatics as well as new NIH “Big Data to Knowledge” initiatives and increasing access to the results of federally funded scientific research and digital data to accelerate biomedical discovery for better health care will be presented.