Percutaneous transcatheter intervention for valvular heart disease

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Current status of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)

  Severe aortic stenosis (AS) is associated with poor prognosis, Surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) with continuous improvement in outcomes by advances in valve design showed the better results than medical treatment alone. Recently, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has rapidly been adopted as an alternative therapy for high-or extreme-surgical risk patients with severe AS. Expansion toward intermediate or even low-risk patients also has been proposed. The 5-year results from the PARTNER I trail and 2-year results of the Core Valve Us Pivotal Trial, together with national registries, confirmed the long-term efficacy and durability of TAVR. Studies including PARTNER II, ADVANCE, and The German Aortic Valve Registry showed short-to mid-term success in intermediate-risk patients. A more customized approach in valve selection for different patients was suggested. TAVR-specific complications included conduction block and arrhythmia, stroke, paravalvular aortic regurgitation aortic root rupture, and vascular complications. In summary, better risk stratification and patient selection, understanding of TAVR-specific complications, advances in imaging, case planning and technology have further improved TAVR outcomes.