      Screening and treatment for colorectal cancer

程 序 表

Minimal invasive treatment for colorectal neoplasms: Surgeon perspectives

   目的本研究之目的對於及T1 大腸直腸癌之淋巴結轉移情況進行分析。同時分析T0及T1 大腸直腸癌病人在存活上之差異。
  方法收集於西元2001年1月至2013年12月間,T0及T1大腸直腸癌於台大醫院進行根治性手術治療之病患。總共包括203 名病患,其中包括66 位T0 大腸直腸癌及137位T1大腸直腸癌病人,針對其臨床及病理特性進行分析。
  結果對於 T1大腸直腸癌其淋巴結轉移機率為11.38%,在T0大腸直腸癌並無發現淋巴結轉移之現象。分化不良之T1 大腸直腸癌為淋巴結轉移之風險因子。另外,在T1大腸直腸癌中,有無淋巴結轉移在存活上並無統計上之差異。
  結論在 T1大腸直腸癌其預後很好,有淋巴結轉移與無淋巴結轉移之存活率並無明顯差異。除此之外,對於T0 及T1 大腸直腸癌之存活率亦無統計上之差異。關鍵詞早期大腸直腸癌、預後、淋巴節轉移。
  Purpose. The aim of this study was to analyze the lymph node metastasis status and prognosis in patients with T1 colorectal cancer treated by curative surgery. In addition, differences in survival between patients with T0 and T1 colorectal cancer were analyzed.
  Methods. Cases of T0 and T1 colorectal adenocarcinoma treated by curative surgical resection between January 2001 and December 2013 at the National Taiwan University Hospital were identified. In total, 66 patients with T0 and 137 patients with T1 colorectal adenocarcinoma were included and the clinicopathologic data were reviewed.
  Results. The rate of lymph node metastasis among cases of T1 colorectal cancer was 11.38%. There were no cases of lymph node metastasis in the T0 group. The risk of lymph node metastasis was significantly higher in poorly differentiated versus well-differentiated and moderately differentiated cancer (p = 0.0231). No statistically significant differences in longterm overall survival were observed in T1 colorectal cancer patients with negative versus positive lymph node status (p = 0.6144).
  Conclusions. The outcome was excellent in T1 colorectal cancer patients who received radical surgical treatment, even in those patients with lymph node metastasis. In addition, there was no difference in the long-term overall survival between the T0 and T1 colorectal cancer patients.