Cervical cancer screening: Past, Present, & Future

程 序 表

國泰綜合醫院醫學研究部 婦癌中心

  我國子宮頸侵襲癌的發生率與死亡率,自 1995 年來呈現持續的下降。子宮頸癌的發生率在 1995 年位居女性惡性腫瘤首位。至 2017 年子宮頸癌發生率排名降為第 9 位,死亡者 651 人,排名降至第 10 位。值得注意的是,全國性篩檢開展後,子宮頸鱗狀細胞癌的發生率逐年下降,但是子宮頸腺癌則幾無變化。
  目前政府提供 30 歲以上婦女每年一次子宮頸抹片檢查,建議有性行為的婦女而無風險因子者,至少每三年應接受一次抹片檢查。如果健康情況許可,應持續年度篩檢,沒有最高年齡的限制。滿 30 歲的婦女可以採用高風險型 HPV 檢測,做為子宮頸抹片細胞檢查的另一選擇。估計女性一生中,有 80% 的機會其子宮頸曾經或正感染 HPV。大部分的感染發生在性行為開始的年輕時期,在 12-24 個月後經由自身的免疫作用清除,唯有少部分婦女感染後無法清除,是發生重度子宮頸癌前病變及子宮頸癌的高風險族群。子宮頸鱗狀上皮癌組織中可發現的 HPV 以第 16 型為多,而腺癌則以第 18 型為主。除上述最常見的兩型外,部分研究發現第 58 及 52 型分在東亞地區 (尤其是台灣、中國、韓國及日本) 的侵襲性子宮頸癌的中位居第三及第四,與全球統計中之第 45 及 31 型分居第三及第四有所差異。
  2018 年美國預防醫學服務小組 (USPSTF) 公布最新的子宮頸癌篩檢指引,建議 21 至 29 歲女性每三年進行一次子宮頸抹片檢查;建議 30 至 65 歲女性每三年進行一次子宮頸抹片檢查、每五年進行一次高風險型 HPV 檢測,或者每五年進行一次子宮頸抹片檢查加高風險型 HPV 檢測。台灣雖然自 1995 年開始補助 30 歲以上婦女每年免費做子宮頸抹片篩檢,但相較於西方國家,篩檢率仍偏低,中高齡婦女子宮頸癌的發生及死亡率也偏高,因此目前仍建議每年篩檢,醫師可一併檢查民眾有無其他婦科疾病。並且對於是否需合併高風險型 HPV 檢測,需提供完整而適切的諮詢,以免除其不必要的焦慮。
  子宮頸抹片可以篩檢子宮頸癌前病變,而 HPV 疫苗可以預防子宮頸癌、癌前病變或其他乳突病毒相關腫瘤的發生。目前疫苗尚未涵蓋所有病毒型別,建議接種疫苗後,仍需定期抹片篩檢。(取材自台灣婦癌醫學會修訂中子宮頸篩檢臨床指引)
  The incidence and death rate of cervical invasive cancer in Taiwan have been declining continuously since 1995. The incidence of cervical cancer ranked first among female malignancies in 1995. By 2017, the incidence rate of cervical cancer dropped to 9th, with 651 deaths, and the ranking dropped to 10th. It is worth noting that the incidence of cervical squamous cell carcinoma has decreased year by year after the national screening was carried out, but there has been little change in cervical adenocarcinoma.
  At present, the government provides an annual Pap smear for women over 30 years of age. It is recommended that women who have sex and those without risk factors should receive a pap smear at least every three years. If health conditions permit, annual screening should be continued, and there is no maximum age limit. Women over 30 can use high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) testing as an alternative to Pap smear. t is estimated that in a woman's life, there is an 80% chance that her cervix has been or is infected with HPV. Most of the infections occur in the young period at the beginning of sexual activity and are cleared by their own immune effects after 12-24 months. nly a small number of women cannot be cleared after infection, which is a high-risk group for severe cervical precancerous lesions and cervical cancer. The HPV that can be found in cervical squamous cell carcinoma is mostly type 16, while adenocarcinoma is mostly type 18.In addition to the two most common types mentioned above, some studies have found that the 58 and 52 types of invasive cervical cancer in East Asia (especially Taiwan, China, South Korea and Japan) rank third and fourth, which are consistent with global statistics. There is a difference between the 45 and 31 types in the third and fourth places.
  In 2018, the United States Preventive Medicine Service (USPSTF) announced the latest cervical cancer screening guidelines, recommending that women aged 21 to 29 have a Pap smear every three years; women aged 30 to 65 are recommended to have a cervical cancer every three years Pap smear, high-risk HPV test every five years, or Pap smear plus high-risk HPV test every five years. Although Taiwan began to provide women over 30 years of age to have free Pap smear screening every year since 1995, the screening rate is still low compared with Western countries, and the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in middle-aged and elderly women are also high. Therefore, It is still recommended to have annual screening, and doctors can also check the people for other gynecological diseases., it is necessary to provide a complete and appropriate consultation for the need to combine high-risk HPV testing to avoid unnecessary anxiety.
  In conclusion, Pap smears can detect precancerous lesions of the cervix, and HPV vaccine can prevent cervical cancer, precancerous lesions or other HPV-related tumors. At present, the vaccine does not cover all virus types. It is recommended that after vaccination, regular smear screening is still required. (Adopted from the revised clinical guidelines for cervical screening by the Taiwan Association of Gynecologic Oncologists)