       New Horizons in Hypertension Management

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  Lifestyle modification (LSM) is the most important nonpharmacological therapy for hypertensive disorder. Except for hypertension, it also effectively modifies and prevents other cardiovascular (CV) risk factors and therefore is highly recommended for general population. For those with established hypertension, LSM can delay the initiation of drug therapy and augment the effect of blood pressure (BP)-lowering drugs. The major limitation of LSM is poor persistence over time. LSM can be summarized as the mnemonic S-ABCDE: Sodium restriction, Alcohol limitation, Body weight reduction, Cigarette smoke cessation, Diet adaptation, and Exercise adoption. Although the items of LSM are the same as the last TSOC/THS hypertension guidelines published in 2015, the content of each item has been substantially revised according to the most updated evidence, particularly in the “Alcohol limitation” and “Exercise adoption” sections. In the “Alcohol limitation”, high prevalence (~40-50%) of carrying ALDH2 dysfunctional allele or having alcohol intolerance in Taiwanese people has been considered in the recommendation. In the “Exercise adoption”, the impacts of PM2.5 on BP and exercise benefit has been recently drawn lots of attention and will be well-discussed. Furthermore, more recent evidence has suggested that leisure-time physical activity is different from occupational physical activity and will lead to opposite CV outcomes. In addition, we also look into the debate of whether electronic cigarette is a good alternative to replace cigarette smoking in terms of CV benefit.