       New Horizons in Hypertension Management

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  In the 2022 Taiwan Hypertension Guidelines of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology (TSOC) and the Taiwan Hypertension Society (THS), we revised the definition of hypertension to ≥130/80 mmHg and recommend a universal BP target of <130/80 mmHg, based on standardized home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) obtained according to the 722 protocol. To facilitate implementation of the guidelines, a series of flowcharts encompassing assessment, adjustment, and HBPM-guided hypertension management are provided. These flowcharts are vital for the adoption of optimal drug therapy. The key messages related to drug therapy include 1) lifestyle modi?cation, summarized as the mnemonic S-ABCDE, should be applied to people with elevated BP and hypertensive patients to reduce life-time BP burden, 2) all 5 major antihypertensive drugs (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors [A], angiotensin receptor blockers [A], β-blockers [B], calcium-channel blockers [C], and thiazides diuretics [D]) are recommended as first-line antihypertensive drugs, 3) initial combination therapy, preferably in a single-pill combination, is recommended for patients with BP ≥20/10 mmHg above targets, 4) a target hierarchy (HBPM-hypertension-mediated organ damage [HMOD]-ambulatory BP monitoring [ABPM]) should be considered to optimize hypertension management. The target hierarchy indicates that to reach HBPM target first, then to keep HMOD stable or regressed, otherwise ABPM can be arranged to guide treatment adjustment, and 5) renal denervation can be considered as an alternative BP-lowering strategy after careful clinical and imaging evaluation.