
Advance in precision targeted therapy for cancer
K. S. Clifford Chao, M.D.

  It has been nearly four decades since one of the most commonly mutated tumor suppressor genes in human cancer, p53, was discovered and innumerous oncogenes were unveiled since then. Cancer therapy, nowadays, has come a long way from removing tumors by traditional methods like surgery and standard chemotherapy to a much more sophisticatedly precise and personalized manner. For example, using drugs or biological agents to block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific molecules or pathway associated with tumor growth or progression.? Based on the ‘targeted’ concept, precisely locating and eradicating tumor as well as reducing the level of damage to surrounding tissues are equally importance. Credited to the recent advances in technology, ideas such as image-guided radiation therapy, charged particle therapy, and immunotherapy, have moved from laboratory to clinic. In this lecture, details in mechanism and supporting data from bench to bed side will be elaborated and discussed.