
The future of biologics for immune modulation in allergic diseases
洪志興 副院長

  The gradually rising prevalence of allergies represents an increasing socioeconomic burden. A understanding of the immunological mechanisms that underlie the development of allergic disease. Improved characterization of individual patients through specific biomarkers and improved definitions of disease endotypes are paving the way for the use of targeted therapeutic approaches for personalized treatment. Biologic therapies that target key molecules driving the Th2 response are already used in the clinic, and a wave of novel drug candidates are under development. In-depth analysis of the tissues of patients treated with such targeted interventions provides a wealth of information on the mechanisms that drive allergies and tolerance to allergens. Asthma is no longer considered as a single disease and the targeted strategy is part of personalized medicine which aims to better define each patient's phenotype and endotype so as to prescribe the most suitable treatment at an individual level. Severe uncontrolled asthma have high morbidity and healthcare utilization as compared with their peers with well-controlled disease. The emergence of biologic therapies for the treatment of asthma has provided promising targeted therapy for these patients. Biologic therapies target specific inflammatory pathways involved in the pathogenesis of asthma, particularly in patients with an endotype driven by Th2 inflammation. In addition to anti-IgE therapy improved outcomes in allergic asthma for more than a decade, three anti-IL-5 biologics and one anti-IL-4R biologic have recently emerged as promising treatments for Th2 asthma. These targeted therapies reduce asthma exacerbations, improve lung function, reduce oral corticosteroid use, and improve quality of life in appropriately selected patients. In addition to the currently approved biologic agents, several biologics targeting upstream inflammatory mediators are in clinical trials, with possible approval on the horizon. The mechanism of action, indications, expected benefits, and side effects of each of the currently approved biologics for severe uncontrolled asthma and discusses promising therapeutic targets for the future.